The project of the Walls of Lucca
The construction
The Walls of Lucca were built in the early sixteenth century. Until that time, the city was protected by medieval walls. To resist the expansionist aims of Florence, the Republic of Lucca decided to design a new defensive structure. Thus was started the project of the walls built using updated construction techniques.
The new Walls covered a ring just over 4 kilometers long. The route included eleven bulwarks and three main access gates: Porta San Pietro, Porta Santa Maria and Porta San Donato.

The transformation of the Walls
The whole wall structure was converted into a public park by Maria Luisa of Bourbon-Spain, in office from 1815 to 1824.
Nowadays on the walls there are still numerous military buildings transformed over time. Among these the Casermetta S. Pietro, the Casa del Boia, the Baluardo S. Paolino, the Casermetta S. Donato.
The model to build
The 3D Book – Mura di Lucca belongs to the 3D Book series.
The book is produced in collaboration with the Museum and Archaeological Complex of the Cathedral of Lucca, the Terzo Millennio Association and the IDEA Cooperative of Lucca. It is designed as a tabbed book with 36 parts to be cut out, folded and glued to build a realistic model of the walls of Lucca at 1: 7,000 scale.